Return Policy:
Most unopened items can be returned within 30 days from the order received date for a full refund. We cover
return shipping costs for our errors (e.g., incorrect or defective items). Refunds typically
process within four weeks, although often faster. This includes return transit time (5-10
business days), processing upon receipt (3-5 business days), and your bank's refund
processing (5-10 business days). To return an item, log in, access your order, and click
"Return Item(s)." We'll email you once your return is processed.
– Free shipping for all over the product.
– Returns accepted within 3-5 days of receipt or tracking number for unworn items.
– Items must be in their original packaging and
– Standard shipping charges apply otherwise. Please refer to our delivery Terms & Conditions
for further details.
– Returned products must be in original packaging, safety wrapped, undamaged, and unworn.
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